Take Back Your Life

Breakthrough Call

What You Can Expect On The Call Empowering Perspective Clarity and Direction Emotional Relief Be Heard 

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New Destiny Coaching Testimonials  

"It’s like you came into my safety zone. Came all the way in… And you took me by the hand and pulled me to the edge of my safety zone and showed me the stuff outside of my safety zone and encouraged me to take some steps. I was anxious. And you understood that I was very vulnerable. And it made me feel like stepping out of my comfort zone, I had a little safety net. That it’s okay I’m feeling all this craziness and anxiety... But, it’s normal and I don’t have to be there alone."  

Chistine, Breakthrough Call Participant


"You were able to analyze me and tell me that what has me stuck is fear. And I realized that was true. Your program is exactly what I want because it will give me the tools to work with to eliminate that fear. It’s all about rearranging our thinking.

I feel relieved now. I feel less burdened. Just by speaking with you for the first time. I feel hopeful. I feel happy.

It’s as if the realization of fear has broken the chains that I’ve allowed for it to put around me and bind me and hold me back and keep me stuck. Because nothing can be fixed unless you know what you have to fix. This goes way back into my history – from a child to adulthood. And I had no idea that I was suppressing and I was feeling stuck. 

You kept asking me… What’s in your way? What’s in your way? What’s in your way? And I told you things… But, I’m really the one that’s in my way with my fear. And I want to disown that fear. 

I feel more confident. Which is something I was lacking and I didn’t understand why..." 

Debbie, Breakthrough Call Participant


“I want to thank you for your phone consultation today. What I gained from your one call was so insightful and instrumental. You brought to my awareness some things I never looked at. I have always been into therapy, support groups and self-help. Your one phone call did more for me then anything I have done in a while. 

The one thing I loved the most is that you made me stop and really think about some of the real issues and roadblocks which I grew accustom to. I literally felt like someone took a hammer and shattered a wall today taking me out of my comfort zone and awakening me to get back on purpose. I needed that. Thank you and God bless."  

Liz, Breakthrough Call Participant


"Coach D has helped my 8 year old daughter tremendously. Before her sessions with him she was overwhelmed with anxiety, crying numerous times throughout the day. We noticed changes in her almost immediately. Now, a few months later, she has much more confidence and is happier. 

Coach D gave her tools to help her help herself. In the beginning she used these tools frequently. Currently she is needing to use these methods less often. The most rewarding observation is how often she has genuine smiles. Her teachers, family and friends have all complimented her on her success of the newfound confidence she has been displaying. We cannot thank Coach D enough! 

This experience was a life changer. As my girl now says, "I am awesome!""

Robyn (Mother of 8 year-old), New Destiny Coaching Client


"Well, prior to this call, I didn’t know what to expect. I know that I didn’t want to talk about the marriage. I wanted the marriage not to be a focus in the conversation. But, once we began to talk about the marriage, it allowed me to open up more. My guard was down. Once I started feeling comfortable, when you started sharing things with me, it made me feel like I’m not the only one in this situation. He’s not the only one. But at the same time, I saw a bigger picture. I saw that I had to deal with Tanisha. 

And I saw some things in Tanisha that… I saw flaws. I saw selfishness. And I was pointing the finger. But during the shift, once we began to talk about some of my flaws, I saw hope as far as the business. As far as the landscaping business… I saw hope. I see that there is a potential opportunity… a greater thought process of me trying to achieve that goal again. Picking It back up... 

I feel more relaxed. I was able to open up and be honest and it gave me a better perspective on the marriage and on me as well. I’m seeing things differently. I do want to save my marriage. And I do want to focus on me and handling things better and balancing my life – and approaching him differently with different things that mean a lot to me." 

Tanisha, Breakthrough Call Participant 


"In general, in my life, I’ve been feeling very depressed; very down. With loss of hope of who I am. Points where I don’t want to get up and shower. I just want to sleep and when I wake up, hoping that my anxiety and depression are going to go away, but it doesn’t happen. It’s stronger and it’s more powerful.

What I want the outcome to be is my depression is gone. I am learning how to control my anxiety and depression. And I can be back to who I am. Finding out who I am really am… Because I lost myself. I lost myself 3 years ago. So, re-finding who Dulce is and what makes Dulce happy… For her to succeed in my personal life, in my career and in anything that I choose to do in life…

(Before) I felt like I lost control… I didn’t have control over situations. That’s the way things had to be. I lost strength, I lost power, my empowerment, I lost the control of me and my beliefs. So, I feel, after our first consultation that I am someone. I do have control. I am a strong woman. I am an intelligent woman. I am a beautiful woman. I can’t let anyone take that power from me. 

It feels good. I just feel that I’m going to refine who I was when I was 21… 22 – that I felt that I was in control; I ruled the world. I knew what I wanted. I didn’t know what depression or anxiety was then. 

And I just feel I’m going to refine not who Dulce was at a 21, 22 age mark, but who Dulce is at a mature 35, 36-year-old woman. Maturity that life has changed. I mean I’ve become a mother. I’m a little older with different wants, different needs and different goals. So, I think I’m doing this at the perfect time of my life, where there’s going to be a change in season… 

I want to thank you for listening. I’m a chatter mouth. I didn’t fear about coming in and talking. I was more fearful about opening my feelings and breaking down. And I want to say thank you Coach for reinforcing that it’s okay to open up. It’s okay to be who you are and open up your feelings. Because we’re human. And once again, thank you! Because I’m opening up. 

I’m not holding my sadness, my depression, my anxiety or stress. And I feel a little bit more stress-free."  

Dulce, Breakthrough Call Participant


"I never really sat down and actually talked to someone about how I feel – or different things in life. If I did try to talk to anyone, it wasn’t anything positive. It’s making a big difference as far as communication. I open up more now – and I talk to people.  

I’m a lot nicer to people. I don’t think about the drugs or alcohol or anything like that anymore… running the streets. I’m focused on school and important things in life. It feels awesome because I changed a lot in the past 4 or 5 months. I’m driven to become an even better person and to succeed in life.  

My attitude has changed. I’m happier and not as irritated as I used to be. I’m not as hateful. I think that I am an amazing person. I think that I am a motivated, determined person who is not going to give up because things get tough. I think that I have a good future… well a great future ahead of me.  

They all say that they are proud of me and that I’ve changed. It’s amazing. I’m not a disappointment anymore.  

It’s different from what I expected. I thought it was going to be like counseling. It’s life-changing. It’s a great experience. It’s just a positive atmosphere. If you let everything out, you don’t have to worry about being judged. You don’t have to worry about what you’re saying or if you say something wrong. 

It’s very motivating. It opens up your mind, and what you think and how you see the world, and what you see in yourself."  

Lydia (19 years old), New Destiny Coaching Client


New Destiny Coaching Testimonials 

"I would say the most difficult has been bringing to the surface things that I have kept hidden. But also I would have to say that that is the most enjoying. Because after I peel back the layers of problems or hurts or angers that I have dealt with, for over 40 years, then you can actually deal with what’s going on your life and why you are keeping those hurts. You know part of hurts and angers for me is – I thought it was protecting me. But, what I’m finding is it’s holding me back from being the real person that I’m meant to be. 

And I think that all these years I thought that that was a way of surviving. And what I’ve been doing is not even living. It’s just being here… just existing. Who wants to just exist? I want to live. And I’m finding that I am starting to live. I mean at 47 years, I’m just now starting to live. And I’m very appreciative of that! 

The only thing that I can compare it to is my very best relationships in life. The people in my life that are the closest to me and also want the best for me… That’s what this is. It’s unconditionally wanting the best for me. And helping me want the best for me... I have always done so much for everyone else. And now it’s time to learn what’s best for me and do what’s best for me. And this is helping me figure out what that is. And making me want to do that – as opposed to thinking I’m not good enough to do that for.

I just have to say thank you. Because this is something that I never would have thought of on my own. I would never thought I even needed it. Because, I didn’t think I needed any help. I thought I could do everything on my own. Asking for help, I thought was showing a weakness. And actually, asking for help is showing a strength. It’s showing a strength. And I’m just thankful."  

Lisa, New Destiny Coaching Client  


"Initially, reaching out to you was not for me… After speaking with you, I decided okay I’ll humor you and myself to go along with the initial consultation. I had no intention of joining. I did not take this seriously. I didn’t think I needed a Coach. (I coach people every day. So I thought… Really I advise and consult people every day. Now that I’ve come to learn more about Coaching…) So I did not think I needed it. 

And then, after the first session, I discovered something about myself in our conversation. And I was amazed by that. I didn’t think I could learn anything from our consultation. But, I did. And I was so impressed by that. I came to the discovery of why I was such a workaholic. And it turned out that I was trying to validate myself because I had a lot of negative messages that I shared with myself because I grew up spoiled. So, the only evidence of worthiness, of being a productive human being for me – came from me working. And I would have never put that together… It would have stayed in my subconscious forever, if I had not talked to you. 

I’m more focused. I’m more self-aware. And my confidence is building. To have my confidence built means I feel less defeated and less afraid to go after the things that I want to do. It feels great! 

I’ve had a business since 2008 and I have continued to do little small projects. And I’ve given all of my services away for free. It was to convince myself that I was worthy of the business… that I could do the business. And what you’ve help me discover is that I need to charge for the work I do and feel confident in the amount I charge. And whatever I don’t know, go learn it. It feels great considering I’m going to get a fat check this week from one of my clients. So I’m excited about that. 

(On the happiness scale, originally) I thought I was at a 9 – easy. Now that I am where I am and I’ve spent time talking to you and learning about me, oh boy was I really like a good 3. Today I can say I feel great! And that’s huge!

I constantly try to encourage people to get out of their box long enough to simply have one conversation with you – and see how it doesn’t change their life. And I’m just going to lead by example through the changes they see in me. They’re going to ask me again… How did this happen? Who are you? And I’m going to say – Anthony, you need to meet this guy." 

Tangil, New Destiny Coaching Client


"I would almost consider it like having a second chance being given to you. You hear of some folks that maybe have had a close call and turn to a new person because of that close call experience. I kind of look at this as being another avenue, without having to have that close call, to be able to change.  

I recognize that things can be better. I can make them better. It’s up to me. I can continue to move forward and look at things in a new light; and make certain that they are fulfilling to me. And how I take on interactions is the way I want them to be. Or I can simply fall back in old habits, which is not a very desirable situation."

Charles, New Destiny Coaching Client


"Surprisingly, even though the sessions have been difficult and I’ve had to experience some negative emotions. There has been a feeling of weight being lifted off of you. Things that I have never discussed before came out. Afterwards it didn’t feel like such a burden anymore.  

(It’s like) talking to my very best friend who doesn’t pull any punches with me and tells me how they see it – because they know me so well. They know the truth, whether I want to admit it or not." 

Josephine, New Destiny Coaching Client

"Most importantly, I was able to feel trust in my Coach. Because I also know that if you don’t trust a person, you will hold back. Through Coaching I’ve learned to be free. I’ve learned to express myself… and that I didn’t have to feel like I was going to be put down for what I said or even felt. I learned that I could laugh and that I could cry. And that’s really what I enjoyed the most. That I could laugh, that I could cry, that I could feel free, that I could be me, that I could say what I wanted to say – and not have any drawbacks. And it lifted me!"

Yvonne, New Destiny Coaching Client

"I was able to come from living in the past and all the should have, could have and why didn’t (s) - to say this is a new day. What am I going to do today? Oh my God, I have so many choices. And then owning that… And if it goes bad… It goes bad. I can make different choices in the next moment. I’m tearing up right now because… I mean… I have a life. I have a life now. And it’s just profound. I can take what’s in my head now. I don’t have to run from the truth.

I literally began to have a panic attack during a session. I literally felt like I was going to stop breathing. It’s amazing how over the phone your presence is so prominent. And you were there. You were with me. And you said I here with you. And you took me thru this breathing exercise for the whole session. 

You didn’t rush me. And I never experienced that before. You let me have my time. And you didn’t tell me to stop crying. And you didn’t tell me that I shouldn’t feel that way. And you didn’t tell me that I was wrong. And I didn’t have to think about that. I just had to think about… I had this sharp pain in my stomach and I feel like I’m dying, and I can’t let go of this. Who am I without these eating disorders? Who am I without these things that I do that make people pity me? Because pity was a huge drug for me.

I am not angry and bitter anymore. Even if I have a bad moment, it’s easier to save my day from being a bad day. No matter what, I have the power to have a good day! And having power is profound! 

I don’t have to dim myself to make everyone else feel better. It never worked anyway…

It really makes me sad that some of my friends who I constantly tell about it… I let them know that they ought to pursue it. Like one of my friends who constantly say she’s F’ed up… And I said you’re not F’ed up. You might feel like that, but you’re not F’ed up. She says these things about herself because she can’t see her awesomeness for what it is. I couldn’t see how awesome I was. And I just know in my heart, Coach D can help you! And it hurts me because I want to shake her… and tell her F that… You need to call this number. Just signup for this and have one free call – and it will change your life forever!

Coaching, and you Coach D, have given me hope in living a genuine life. An audacious and authentic life… Because ultimately, you are a representation of what you teach and speak to. You’re living it. And that has always been profound to me.

This is freaking amazing!"  

Shona, New Destiny Coaching Client